team jobs

West University Little League is run entirely by volunteers.  Every parent who registers a child to play in the league also accepts a volunteer role during the season.  Thank you in advance for contributing your time.  

Team Parent

The Team Parent works very closely with the Team Manager. 

  • COMMUNICATIONS: Assist the Manager in communicating with the team. Team Parent must also email all parents a list with team job assignments. 
  • UNIFORMS/YARD SIGNS:  Some teams choose to personalize caps or practice jerseys; Team Parent should coordinate this with the Manager. Team Parent is responsible for picking up the team’s game jerseys and socks on a date TBA. Distribute to your team as soon as possible.  Your team's Yard Signs will also be picked up with the uniforms and need to be distributed to those who ordered them 
  • TEAM PARTY COORDINATOR:  Plan an end-of-season party and/or manager gifts. 
  • All expenses incurred for end of season parties, coach’s gift, uniform personalization, etc. should be shared equally amongst the team families.


Each team (except Tadpole Rookie and Varsity) needs a dedicated scorekeeper and an alternate.  One of the two scorekeepers must be present at all of the games.  

  • PEEWEE & MINOR A:  One scorekeeper from each team will keep score. The Home team is the official scorekeeper for the game and operates the scoreboard.   
  • MINOR AA, MINOR AAA & MAJORS: One scorekeeper from each team will keep score using the GameChanger app or a paper scorebook. The Home team is the official scorekeeper, will operate scoreboard and will be responsible for providing the official score at the end of the game. Both teams’ scorekeepers should record and keep pitch count totals.
  • REPORTING: In each division, the winning team will report the score of each game to the Division Director.  Scorekeepers will retain all score sheets/books until the end of the season. The Division Director will be responsible for posting the team rankings.

Field Coordinator

Contact: Chris McIntosh (Main Campus) or Al Jara (South Campus)

The HOME team’s Field Coordinator is responsible for making sure the field is ready for play prior to the start of the game and ensuring the field and surrounding area is clean after the game.  

  • PRIOR TO GAME:  Rake the infield dirt around the bases, baselines, pitching mounds and home plate areas.  There should be a rake located at each field.  First Game of the Day (Varsity, PeeWee, Minor A): Field Coordinator will assist in transporting the pitching machine and extension cord from the shed.    
  • AFTER GAME: Collect any equipment left behind by your team.    Coordinate team parents to clean up your dugout and bleacher areas and remind the Visiting team to do so also. This is a TEAM responsibility! Encourage and coordinate proper recycling. Last game of the day (Varsity, PeeWee, Minor A): Field Coordinator should assist Manager of the Home Team to put pitching machine and cord away and ensure it is properly secured in the shed.

Auction Representative

Contact: Samantha Tschen

Team Auction Representative is responsible for the following:  

  • Solicit a donation (physical items or cash-value) worth at least $400 from your team.  If you collect cash, turn that into the auction team and they will purchase an auction item on your behalf. 
  • Encourage your team parents to attend the auction and to consider being a family sponsor! 
  • Promote raffle ticket sales amongst your team.
  • More details: WULL 2025 Auction

Carnival Representative

Contact: Mary-Kathyrn D'Agostino

The Carnival Representative is responsible for coordinating your team's Carnival Volunteer Shifts, as further discussed below.  The Carnival will be held on Saturday, February 22 immediately after Opening Ceremonies. The Team Carnival Representative MUST be available the day of the carnival.   

  • You will receive your team’s Carnival responsibility at the team meeting. 
  • IF YOUR TEAM IS ASSIGNED A BOOTH/ACTIVITY:  All parents will need to sign up for shifts. Specifics will be included in your meeting packet. You will need to ensure that all volunteer slots are filled and will need to send a reminder email ahead of the event.
  • IF YOUR TEAM IS ASSIGNED ITEMS TO DONATE:  You will collect items from the team (or funds to purchase such items) and coordinate with Carnival chairs on how/when to deliver items to Carnival. 
  • More information about the carnival can be found here.

Concessions Representative

Contact: Concessions

The Concessions Representative will be responsible for coordinating your team's volunteer shifts in the Main Campus Concession Stand (AKA “The Dugout”)  Most WULL team will be assigned two (2) shift dates to work in the Dugout.  Get more information here.     

  • The Concessions Representative will receive an email with the Dugout Schedule about 1-2 weeks prior to the start of the WULL spring season.  You must communicate the shift information to your team as soon as you receive the schedule. If you do not receive an email by the time your team plays their 1st game, please contact us.  
  • Parents are asked to be the volunteers for Dugout, please do not send grandparents, nannies, older children, etc. If a parent cannot make the assigned shift, they should switch shifts with another family or a parent from another team. If multiple parents cannot make one of your assigned Dugout Shifts and all options are exhausted, please contact us for assistance.     
  • Send email/text updates to your team as the shift gets closer so people do not forget.

Photo Representative

Contact: Ashley Worley

The Team Photo Coordinator is responsible for collecting order forms and payment from each team member as well as helping assist team on Photo Day. Photo Day is Sunday, February 23, 2025 Team Photo Schedule at the Pershing Middle School Baseball Fields.  The Team Photo Coordinator MUST be available the day of the photos. 


  • The Photo Representative will receive an email with the team photo time, and should communicate this with all parents on the team in advance.  Send a reminder(s) as the date approaches. 
  • Collect order forms and payment from each family (at Team Meeting, if possible).


  • Collect any outstanding photo order forms
  • Shepherd your team through the photo process
  • Distribute any pre-purchased WULL directories to your team. 

PCA Representative

Contact: Chris Kronzer

WULL wants to create a culture where kids love to play the game of baseball and they look forward to practices and games.  With that in mind, we have partnered with Positive Coaching Alliance to help us teach our kids how to strive to win, but more importantly, to use baseball to teach life lessons.  The team PCA Representative will attend a MANDATORY training meeting (via Zoom).


  • Send out the PCA Parent Letter to all parents on team. 
  • Send out at least three “tips and tools” from the PCA Website to your team parent, manager and coaches throughout the course of the season. 
  • In an effort to get all parents to become Second-Goal-Parents, a parent may only hold this job once every 6 years. 

Dugout Helper

(Tadpole Divisions Only)

The Dugout Helper will be responsible for assisting Manager and Assistant Coaches in the dugout during the game. If there are 13 families on the team, we encourage 2 parents to sign up for Dugout Helper so they can switch off games. Only 1 dugout helper needs to be in the dugout during a game. The Dugout Helper will assist with:
  • Ensuring no bats are being used in the dugout Assisting coach with batting order. 
  • Keeping all players in dugout during game. 
  • Helping kids find their glove, helmet, hat, water bottles, etc. 
  • Tying (and retying) shoes 
  • Encouraging players to stay positive, cheer their teammates on, have fun! 
  • Assisting the Field Coordinator to make sure the dugout is clean at the end of the game.

Snack Coordinator

(Tadpole Divisions Only)

The Snack Coordinator will work with the Team Parent and Manager to determine how you want to manage snacks for games and practices. Depending on practice time and game times, some teams may choose to do team snacks regularly while some may choose to have players being individual snacks.  As Snack Coordinator, you are NOT expected to bring all the snacks all the time; this should be a team responsibility.
  • Check with all parents regarding allergies or food restrictions and communicate accordingly to those who will be bringing snacks. 
  • You may consider creating a Sign-up Genius or other method so each family can participate. 
  • Please make sure all snacks and trash are disposed of properly.