Spring 2025 Concession Stand Duty Shifts
- The Dugout is the concession stand on our WULL main campus. It is located behind Wallin field at the corner of University Blvd. and Auden St.
- The Dugout is run ENTIRELY by parent volunteers. You are one of those volunteers. The Dugout will not operate without your help!
- All parents will be working TWO shifts in 2024 unless otherwise notified.
- There must be a parent representing each child on the team per shift. The Manager (ONLY) will be exempt. Parents of twins on the same team may send only one parent, unless the team does not have enough people to cover their shift.
- All shifts are 2 1⁄2 hours. It is important to be on time for your team shifts.
- Your team Concessions Representative will receive an email with your team shift assignments about 1-2 weeks before the season starts. Each team’s Concessions Representative will be in charge of notifying parents of the team’s assigned shifts. Reach out to your Concessions Representative if you don’t know your assigned team shifts by the time your team has their first game!
- If you are having serious conflicts and cannot make a Dugout Duty Shift, please contact your Team Concessions Representative, but, it is still your responsibility to: (A) Switch with another parent on your team or (B) Switch your shift with any other WULL parent from any other WULL team. Make the swap and let your Team Concessions/Carnival Chair know about the plan.
- Your team Dugout Shifts will NOT coincide with your team’s scheduled games.
- Your Dugout Shifts MAY coincide with your team’s scheduled batting or fielding practice. There are about 100 teams and 200 Dugout Duty shifts and hundreds of practices. We cannot reconcile the Dugout Duty shifts with the practice schedules.
- Disposable gloves and a clean apron will be provided to each volunteer. Gloves must be worn if you are working with food/drinks. If you remove your gloves for whatever reason, please wash your hands before putting a new pair of gloves back on.
- City Health Department regulations require a hat or cap be worn in the Dugout, so please bring one. The hat must cover your whole head, i.e. visors are not acceptable.
- Regulations also prohibit children in the Dugout, so no kids are allowed in the Dugout.
- We recommend signing up for weather alerts and Field Closure/Dugout Closure. ALWAYS plan to show for your shift until a rainout notification has been sent.
- **If your team does not have adequate parent volunteer representation at your assigned Dugout Shifts, your team will lose your next practice time AND will be at the top of the list for additional shifts during make-up games and play-off games AND risk having their players waitlisted when signing up for future seasons.
- You are responsible for coordinating your team's Concessions Stand (Dugout) Shifts (AND, in some cases) your team's Carnival Volunteer Shifts. These are separate jobs.
- You will be coordinating your team's volunteer effort in the Dugout. Your main responsibilities are:
1) to communicate shift information to the team
2) make sure that you have an adequate team coverage at both of the team's assigned Dugout Duty shifts
3) Send a text/email reminder to your team before each shift.
- Remember, the ONLY person exempt from Dugout Duty is the team’s Manager.
- You will receive an email with the Dugout Schedule about 1-2 weeks prior to the start of the WULL spring season.
You MUST PASS THE INFORMATION ON TO YOUR TEAM. If you do not receive an email by the time your team plays their 1st game, please reach out to us to get your team’s assignment.
- Disposable gloves and a clean apron will be provided to each volunteer. Gloves must be worn if volunteers are working with food/drinks. If anyone removes their gloves for whatever reason, have them wash their hands before putting a new pair of gloves back on.
- City Health Department regulations require a hat or cap be worn in the Dugout. Remind parents to bring one. The hat must cover their whole head, i.e. visors are not acceptable.
- When reviewing concessions schedules, please note: Many teams in different divisions have the same team name. Make sure you are looking at the correct team in the correct division when you identify your assigned shifts!
- If a parent cannot make the assigned shift, remind them of options for switching shifts.
If multiple parents cannot make one of your assigned Dugout Shifts and all options are exhausted, please contact the Concession Operations Chair so that we can assist you. If there is not an adequate number of volunteers during your team shift, your team will lose their next scheduled practice.