WULL recycles

Parents: Step up to the Plate!

Help our Little League community Recycle More and Waste Less

You and your child are important links in the success of an increased effort to be more responsible about waste deposal at the fields. Here are some guidelines to help you green-up while enjoying your Little League adventure. 

Your child: Provide a reusable drink container for your child when he/she attends practice, batting cage and/or games. Make sure your child’s name and contact information are on the container and all gear (duffle bag, hat, bat, glove, batting helmet, batting glove). 

Your example: Use a reusable drink container while you’re at the field. If you do purchase a drink, dispose of the bottle, can, “Dugout Cup” in the nearby blue recycling container (empty, top on OK for plastic). Praise players caught doing the “right thing”; remind players who are still learning “what” and “how” to recycle. 

Dugout Duty: The Dugout generates lots of waste, much of which is recyclable. When you have Dugout Duty, remember to recycle cups, lids, plastic bottles and containers, food boxes, chili cans (rinse first), aluminum foil (wash off), aluminum cans, cartons, pizza boxes (tops only if bottoms are soiled). When you serve children drinks remind them that their container is recyclable and should be placed in the blue recycling containers. 

Baseball clothes/gear: Donate uniforms, belts, shirts, hats, batting helmets, gloves, bats, socks, shoes that you no longer need at the donation table at Opening and Closing Ceremonies.

Players:  A Triple Every Time!

Little League is great fun, and with this activity comes responsibility: practice, teamwork, more practice, good sportsmanship, even more practice and good citizenship.  Triples might not happen that frequently in baseball, but a triple can be a part of every one of your trips to the field when you reduce, reuse and recycle (practicing good citizenship). 

REDUCE:  Reduce the amount of waste you create.  It’s easier than you think.  Bring a reusable drink bottle with you when you go to practice, batting cage or a game.  Keep up with your equipment so it doesn’t get lost and require your parents to purchase more (another glove, bat, batting helmet or batting glove).  Put your name and contact information on all your gear, including your water bottle. 

REUSE:  Do you have a neighbor, friend or older sibling who has baseball equipment you could use?  Or maybe you have equipment from last year that no longer works for you.   Why not pass it along to someone who could use it.  

RECYCLE:  If you do purchase a drink at The Dugout, recycle your bottle, can, or “Dugout Cup” in nearby recycling containers (empty the container, top on OK for plastic).  Locate blue recycling containers next to the black trash containers.  Donate your old Little League uniforms, shoes and equipment.  Place them in the large collection box next to The Dugout at Wallin Field.

When we, recycle EVERYONE wins, and it’s an even bigger win when we “reuse and reduce”.