dugout faq

Is the Dugout the same for WULL and WUSA?

No - there are separate concessions stands for each.  The WULL concessions stand is located at the corner of University and Auden.

How many shifts will each team be assigned to work?

 Most teams are assigned TWO (2) shifts in the Dugout over the entire season.

Can we pick which of the assigned shifts we work?

Nope - both are required.

How long is each shift?

Each shift is 2-2.5 hours.  That means a total team commitment of 5 hours over the season.

Do we have to do it?

YES. Working in the Dugout is NOT optional - but it IS fun!

How many parents have to come from each team?

ONE (1) parent per player is REQUIRED to attend EACH of their team’s shifts, EXCEPT for the player whose parent is the Team Manager. Let’s break it down… If your team has 13 players, 12 total parents are required to work.  The only exception is for parents of twins on the same team (one parent can attend on behalf of both players, assuming there are enough other parents in attendance to cover the shift). 

So, in the above example, can 6 parents come to Shift 1 and the other 6 parents come to Shift 2?

Nope - all 12 parents need to come to BOTH shifts.

What happens if a parent can't make it?

If neither parent of a player can attend their team’s shift, it is their responsibility to find coverage from someone within the team or from another team.

How do you go about switching among your team if the whole team is required to work?

Here’s an example: Player A’s Parent 1 can ask Player B’s Parent 2 to cover for them so that Player B’s Parent 1 AND Parent 2 will be working the first shift and can both sit out for the second shift, while Player A’s Parent 1 AND Parent 2 will both work the second shift. You can also ask the exempt parents who otherwise would not be required to work to help you out.

My kid practices/plays at South Campus.  I will be working there, right?

NOPE.  That concessions stand is operated independently from WULL.  You will be working only in “The Dugout” located on Main Campus (corner of University and Auden) no matter which park or field your child practices or plays on.

I signed up to be the Carnival Chair for my team.  Why am I getting these emails?

In many divisions, Carnival Chair is the same position as Concessions Chair.  It is actually Carnival/Concessions Chair, the job has 2 parts and both involve emailing your team. 

As Concessions Chair, what does my job entail?

In addition to working alongside the other parents on your team on your assigned shift dates, you MUST notify your team ASAP of the assigned shift times.  Parents need time to find help with babysitting or transporting children or to make arrangements with work, practices, etc., so time is of the essence.  There is no negotiating, no choosing which date or time to work, no sign ups, nothing.  All they have to do is acknowledge to you that they will be there or let you know their coverage plan.  How you get that acknowledgement and ensure that every parent works is up to you. You will also need to send REMINDERS prior to each shift date. 

What if there is an overall team conflict?

If there is an absolute issue with the date/time you have been assigned, please let the scheduling chairs know ASAP.  Again, a lot of thought and planning went into this and we simply cannot avoid every issue that may arise.  We know that some teams are required to work while their kids have practices.  Luckily, their coach is exempt from working in the Dugout and will be able to be with the kids at practice. If Mom is in the Dugout that night, perhaps Dad can help get the kids home from practice.

I still don't know why I'm getting emails about concessions.

If you think you received this message in error, please let us know.  Check with your spouse to see if they signed you up at the team meeting.  If you did not attend your team meeting, it is very likely you got this job by default.  If your spouse should be receiving this email instead of you, please forward it to him/her and let us know to update the list.